Thursday, October 10, 2013

Shit just got real

This post was inspired by a blog I read online.
It went on like this, 'I'm twenty something..ish'.

I'm twenty something..ish too. Am I worried? Yes. Can I do something about it? No.
Someone summed up my transition  from12 to 22  -Shit just got real.
That, I thought was perfect.

That nagging feeling I have, of a 12 year old being trapped in the body of a 22 year old is awkward. Aging I thought, was not for me. My mom aged, my dad aged, but me? Damn. Shit just got real.

In five years time I would not be here, blogging about my anxiety but will most definitely be mopping or paying premiums. And five years ago, I was this kid who graduated school. In this window of ten years I would transform from a skinny,chilled out girl to a 'healthy', not so chilled out (yet very very cool) person. Thinking about it gives me the 'chills' .

I'm whining alright. I want to be 20 again. I want time to freeze, like right now.

Ah I am asking for a bit too much,eh? I constantly fear if I am wasting time, waiting for this 25 year old self to occupy my body. How do I welcome the latter that she'd say "Girl, yo 25?Yo too cool for this!" ?

Yes I need a plan.

 P.S: A plan that doesn't involve ponds anti age miracle.
So what could I do?Umm....

  1. Find my passion? Too cliched and almost meaningless. Passion finds you.(Here have a passion fruit if you like) :\                                                  
  2. Become a billionaire? Ka Chiiiiiiiiiiiinggg! ( Did you sing Shania Twain?) *fist bump*
  3. Or write a book? *grammar/patience grins*

(Me : Can I have ponds anti age miracle,please?
Shop guy : How many?
Me : All of them, aall of them I sayyy!!)

I have recently relocated my entire life and well it feels good and bad. Good mainly because it's new, it's mysterious...and bad well because it's all new! In this strange town that I'm in..I feel young again. Like a scared teenager exploring the corridors of my new workplace, running into people from dead end corners . It is as if 'god' pre read this draft and handed over the situation to me( right now I can almost see him grinning..*you asked for it*).
I can safely assume new adventures await me, to capture them and squeeze all the fun out. So cheers to all the fun I'm going to have!See you on the other side, the fun side. Ciao.

1 comment:

  1. Good! And how do you feel now, with more age trapped into the body of the young soul? I guess that is how all of us feel as our bodies grow older. The soul remains as young as we actually are in the mind!
